Thursday, May 31, 2012

VB - Slow??

OK, so some sources state that Visual Basic is slow. We don't know if this is true but it seems that BlueGem is a bit slow at startup of the program.We will try to fix this on our next update (C# or C++ version).

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Planning for C#

We are planning to release our future version of BlueGem (2.5 or 3.0) in C#. This will provide us and even you the users a greater control, efficiency and security over the program. However, this is just a plan and not fixed.

New Version 2.0

Its been a while since we released out first beta of BlueGem. So we thought we would make an update or newer version. So we released our 2nd version of BlueGem. It gives you a great control over the program. New design, so its more user friendly. And two new very important features that you may have been wanting - A font dialog and color dialog. Be sure to check it out.